About me

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner and Senior Software Quality Assurance expert with 8+ years of experience in designing and implementing effective test plans, leading cross-functional teams, and ensuring the successful release of high-quality software. Proficient in automated testing frameworks, code reviews, and continuous integration and delivery pipelines.


  • design icon

    Functional Testing

    Manual and Automation

  • Web development icon


    Humility and Empathy

  • mobile app icon

    Cross Browser Testing

    All operating systems and breakpoints

  • camera icon


    AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Preparing for AWS Data Engineer 2024




  1. Bachelor of Science in Technology Development and Management

    St. Petersburg College, St. Petersburg, FL | May 2014

    Minor in Project Management

  1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

    Issued Date: October 12, 2023

    Expires: October 12, 2026


  1. Software Quality Assurance Engineer - Club Car

    4/2023 - Present

    Participated in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in a twoweek sprint cycle, following Agile methodology. Wrote comprehensive test cases to ensure software functionality and quality. Identified and reported bugs, worked closely with the development team to ensure timely resolution. Collaborated with hardware units integrated with software during testing. Researched new automation solutions and created an enterprise proposal for broad automation implementation

  2. Start-Up Software Quality Assurance Engineer - Leaf Trade

    8/2022 – 4/2023

    Joined a developing QA team at Leaf.Trade, a start-up providing B2B supply chain platform in over 25 emerging markets nationwide. Designed and updated test plans, ensuring comprehensive coverage. Developed and maintained automated tests to support testing efforts. Identified, triaged and managed defects, coordinating defect reporting from customers and internal teams. Deploy and communicate weekly software releases

  3. Senior Software Quality Assurance Engineer - PowerChord, Inc.

    2/2019 – 8/2022

    Led QA for front-end and back-end systems, managing 25% of company clients generating over $12,000,000/year in revenue. Oversaw implementation and Azure pipeline management. Conducted various types of testing, including client data testing, ADA compliance testing, manual testing, automation, and penetration testing. Created automation with API integration and performed manual imports. Worked with clients such as Kohler, STIHL, Kubota, Morbark, Trex, and more.

  4. Software Quality Assurance Test Engineer - Synzi Virtual Care,

    2/2018 – 1/2019

    Developed Quality Assurance processes as part of the SDLC in a startup environment. Led automation engineering and established coding standards. Utilized Python and Selenium GUI, later converting the framework to Katalon GUI. Managed Jira ticketing, test flight, and Android Studio.

  5. Software Quality Assurance Engineer - Affinitiv (AutoLoop)

    2/2015 – 2/2018

    Started as part of the trigger team and quickly became a lead QA for the Business Dev Center. Conducted SQL and WIQ testing and created the team's first automation framework. Tested systems, identified and documented problems, and ensured technical accuracy and compliance. Worked with clients including Subaru, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, and various automotive groups.

